Fair competition – ONLINE
Pris: Gratis
Boka utbildningIntroduktion
By fair competition in the construction industry, we mean that no player gains a competitive advantage by breaking the laws and common rules that apply in the industry, the Swedish labour market and Swedish society.
To most of us, this sounds self-evident, yet the construction industry is identified by the authorities as a risk sector for crime and undeclared work.
The responsibility for healthy competition does not rest with an individual actor or authority. Everyone who works in and around the construction industry must take responsibility to ensure that the contractors we engage also take their responsibility. Failure to do so opens the door to rogue operators who have no business in the industry – something that affects individuals, the entire industry and society.
The construction industry’s training for fair competition gives you knowledge, expertise and advice on how to reduce your risk, create conditions for successful construction projects, while contributing to an attractive, fair and safe construction industry. The training has been developed by experts in law and in the field, in collaboration with authorities, construction and civil engineering companies, trade unions and employers’ organisations.
The training takes 1-2 hours to complete.
Utbildningens mål
- Provide insight, knowledge and skills in the area of fair competition and labour crime.
- Provide knowledge of current agreements, rules and laws that apply in the building and construction sector.
- Provide advice on how to check and follow up on requirements and applicable legislation throughout the construction process or in case of suspected fraud or irregularities.
- Provide insight into the field of business ethics.
- Provide knowledge of the tools available for systematic control and follow-up when hiring a contractor and on the construction site.
- Provide knowledge on how to work for fair competition in your everyday life.
- Provide the basis for contributing to an attractive, fair and safe construction industry.
- Approved training is registered on the personal ID06 card.
All actors working in the construction industry.
Utbildningens innehåll
- Fair competition – background information
- Advice before signing a contract
- Active follow-up during the contract period
- Systematic control for fair competition
- Hiring foreign companies and foreign labour
- Staff registers
- Business ethics
- How to promote fair competition in your daily work life
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